For this post I decided to create my own “Thought Process Buzzfeed”. I chose to write down what I think about during my every day decision making process of figuring out what I want to do for lunch (which typically spans over a few hours). The first day I tried this, I made it to about 3:30 before realizing I had forgotten my plan. So to make sure I remembered the next day, I plastered my desk in post it notes. I then spent the better part of my commute home googling pictures to complete mah own personal buzzfeed. For anyone wondering why it takes me so long to accomplish tasks/projects, you now have an inside perspective of my fantastical thought process:
THE DILEMMA: What do I want for lunch today?? It’s currently 8:30, I just arrived at the office and I NEED to know. I have T minus 3.5 hours until game time. I want to try some place new. I’ve had enough of the salad bar.
Hmm I want dreadlocks. I think I’d look great in them.
(I think we know who looks better here)
I also need an island dog, and I needed it yesterday.
(la la la I love da sand)
Eh on second thought, a dog’s too much work. I’ll settle for a kitten.
Time to check craigslist for a jeep *Spend the next 30 minutes Alt/Tabbing between windows when people walk by*
This seems to be the most practical one I've found
Need a snack…WHO ATE ALL OF THE OFFICE CHEEZ ITS? I will find you.
This office is sweltering. Wicked witch of the west status up in here.
What do I want to eat for dinner? Ugh no concentrate. Focus on lunch!
To go for a run or not to go for a run after work… Go for a run.
Decide I want to own a food truck. Cue googling wiki ‘how to start a business’
Changed my mind. I’m definitely not running today.
Would I sell treats from my truck? Cupcakes are overrated. Maybe I just need a candy truck.
What am I in the mood for? WHY CAN’T I JUST EAT PASTA AT EVERY MEAL and who invented carbs?
How do I get Oprah or Ellen D. to interview me? I WANNA BE FAMOUS, I’D BE SO GOOD AT IT.
If Honey Boo Boo can be famous, so can I
I’m craving a giant sub. And fries. So.Many.Calories.So.Little.
Back to the issue at hand. WHERE DO I EAT?
Should probably just eat a salad. Do I go where I usually go or should I switch it up?
Does Panera count as fun and exciting?
Gawd Damn, it’s 11:50 and I don’t know where I’m eating.
*Panic starts to set in*
Start closing windows on my computer, and get distracted by the jeeps again.
11:57: 3 minutes to go. Start asking everyone around me where I should go. Get asked the “What are you in the mood for question?” I DON’T KNOW THAT’S WHY IM ASKING. HALPPPPPPPPP
11:58: What have I been doing all morning, it’s almost 12 and I’m going to die hungry
11:59: Maybe I’ll know once I get in the elevator.
12:00: End up outside, overwhelmed, convinced I may perish before picking a spot.
12:01: It’s now or never. I’ve been standing next to the homeless man on the curb for 1 minute too long.
FINEEEE, I’ll go to the salad bar AGAIN.
*Spend the next 30 minutes eating my salad having FOMO (fear of missing out) that I should have tried some place new and/or could have been eating a giant sub with fries.*
There’s always tomorrow.